Queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) - Aquaman's Mother

Queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman), just like in the comics, is Aquaman's biological mother who is the fruit of her love for the lighthouse keeper, Thomas Curry (Temuera Morrison).

Actually Queen Atlanna wanted to stop being Queen of Atlantis to be with Arthur. Unfortunately, he was caught and imprisoned. After giving birth to Arthur, he entrusted custody of Arthur to Thomas.

Shortly after that, Atlanna was forced to marry an Atlantean Marine Commander who eventually gave Arthur two half-sisters: Tula and Orm aka Ocean Master (Patrick Wilson).

Not too many details have been given regarding Aquaman's father, played by Temuera Morrison (Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones). What is clear is that in the comics, Arthur is a lighthouse supervisor who does not hesitate to help others who are in danger.

Well, it was this very good nature that finally made Queen Atlanna fall in love. It's a shame that he later died at the hands of Aquaman's nemesis, Black Manta.


Video : Begining (Queen Atlanna) | Aquaman [4k, HDR]

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